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8 June 2023 18:00 - 20:30

For June’s AT Product Talks, we would like to welcome some very special guest speakers from the design world here at Auto Trader and other companies to help answer the question “How can product & design really work in perfect harmony?”

Product and design people are often responsible for very different perspectives of the UX experience, and sometimes this can lead to tension, good and bad. In this month’s talks, we are going to be hearing from those who work in product and design who will offer different views, their own personal experiences and share their own knowledge on how to navigate these tensions.

Nathan Bremner – Engineering Manager at Skyscanner

Nathan has come from a background where he has often had to help bridge the gap between product and design when working to unlock value for the products he has worked on.

In his talk, Nathan will be discussing the differing priorities that often emerge when working in a cross functional product, tech and design team and how his experience in working on the “Editor” product at Moonpig helped the squad to achieve success.

Ross Breadmore – Chief Product Officer at 4G Capital

Ross will be covering his experience from building products for Barclays, Nuffield Health and HSBC, through building a 100 person design team at Lloyds Banking group, and how that’s provided a good platform for his current role as Chief Product Officer as an East-African fintech. Ross will share his frustrations from both sides of the fence, what designers find annoying about product people and vice-versa, and how he’s embraced this background to good effect

AT Product Podcast – LIVE

Join us in a Q&A session which we will be recording LIVE for our brand new podcast “Roadmap” where we will be delving into the topic of “healthy tensions” between product and design

This Q&A will be hosted by Pete Farell, Product & Technology Director at Auto Trader who will be joined by Carrie Tudsbury (Portfolio Design Lead @ Auto Trader), Ross Breadmore (CPO @ 4G Capital) and another special guest to be confirmed.

Please note this event is not open to recruitment agencies, and all attendees must be over the age of 18.

From Free
8 June 2023 18:00 - 20:30
Auto Trader UK First Street Manchester M15 4FN

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