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11 October 2022 10:00 - 14:00

Our race and culture staff network, Building a Multi-Cultural Environment, is hosting our Black History Month event by Auto Trader. in collaboration with Race Equality Matters.

Auto Trader welcomes you to our 2022 Black History Month event to celebrate and action this year’s theme: Time for Change, Action not Words.

Held at HOME Manchester, come to our day event ranging from a panel of automotive and finance industry experts, keynote speeches and performances from Afro-Caribbean music acts. Confirmed speakers include Ugo Eboh from (Virgin Money), Helen Robinson (AutoTrader), Rubi Sarang (HS2), Emily Davies (Amey) and many more...

Jali Nyonkoling Kuyateh (from Lingua Franco World Community CIC) an African Kora harpist, will be performing alongside Manchester-based Caribbean steel-pan band Jamsalana in a mid-afternoon celebration of Black History Month.

Join us to share your aspirations, thoughts, and actions during and beyond this year’s Black History Month, and discover what industry leaders are doing to support anti-racism.

Race Equality Matters was formed in response to the Black Lives Matter Movement to turn declarations of commitment and support from organisations and individuals into meaningful change in racial equality both in the workforce & in society.

Rubi Sarang, HS2 Project Manager and Rolling Stock REACH-Network co-chair. HS2 is Britain’s new high speed rail line being built from London to the North-West, with HS2 trains linking the biggest cities in Scotland with Manchester, Birmingham and London. Rubi is passionate about representation and inclusion across the industry – both construction and the railway. Rubi has been Co-Chair of HS2’s REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) Network for two years. Their objectives include supporting underrepresented colleagues across HS2 in their personal and professional development, and encouraging a more diverse group of people to join HS2. The Network also aims to educate people about different cultures and issues people may face due to their race. Black History Month is important to them as they can reflect on the struggles that Black people have faced in the UK and beyond, celebrate the achievements of Black people across the world, and work together to continue to fight for equality.

Ugo Paul Eboh, Culture and Capability lead – Digital Engineering, and Co-Chair Embrace Network – Virgin Money. Discussing how to influence and engage stakeholders at the Race Equality Matters event in 2022, Ugo said: ‘It was really key that we’d taken a strategic approach to running the Network, because in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter UK uprising, our senior leaders needed assistance in answering ‘what do we need to do as an organisation?’ The strategy we had in place, made our engagement with them a lot easier.

Helen Robinson , Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement Manager - Auto Trader Helen is a Sociology graduate and Auto Trader’s Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement Manager. Driven by her passion for inclusivity she is leading key diversity initiatives and partnerships with local and national charities. She has delivered innovative people development programmes and is leading successful Employee Networks making a real difference.

Emily Davies, Director of Social Impact - Amey. Emily leads a programme of action at Amey that promotes responsible business, creates positive social and environmental impact and drives the delivery of sustainable services across the organisation. Recently this has culminated in the launch of their social value and sustainability strategy, Bolder Steps Together. Her work spans a range of sectors including highways, rail, waste and facilities management. She has a Masters in Sustainable Leadership and is happiest in nature and the great outdoors.

More profiles to come...

This event is expected to be quite popular so please book as soon as possible through this Eventbrite page. Speakers to be announced soon. There will be refreshments and food available on the day. Ticketing closes at 12pm on Tuesday 7th October

11 October 2022 10:00 - 14:00
HOME, Manchester Tony Wilson Place #2 Manchester M15 4FN

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