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28 June 2023 8:30 - 10:00

Hosted by NW Council Co-Chair Kirstie Buchanan at CTI's Manchester Office, and chaired by business and leadership coach Caroline Canty of Craft Coaching – BIMA is helping digital businesses to tackle tricky workplace topics head on, with this new mini-series of breakfast mastermind events. 

Every business has an elephant in the room – a conversation that they really need to have, but don't know how to go about it.

From sensitive policies to common management situations, having difficult conversations is something everyone struggles with, regardless of your level of seniority within a company. That's why the NW Council has designed a new mini-series of mastermind events, so that you'll be given the support you need from like-minded peers, whilst having access to an expert coach who can guide the conversation.

This isn't just another roundtable – you'll attend with a professional challenge around that month's topic, and you'll leave with the clarity, confidence and actionable takeaways you need to go and tackle that situation head on.

Who, what, when and where?

We know that the type of people this mastermind applies to can vary massively across a business depending on the topic and business structure, so this mastermind isn't reserved just for the C-Suite – it's for anyone who has a core problem they're trying to deal with when it comes to:

June 28th: Policy – we'll discuss how to tackle conversations about highly emotive workplace policies, including but not limited to menopause, miscarriage, paternity, fertility treatment, fostering and grief/compassionate leave.

Format: This is a classic mastermind group event; with some key coaching pointers to guide the conversation, each attendee should come with a challenge surrounding that month's topic, so they can leave with valuable actions to help them.


  • 8:30am Coffee, pastries and networking on arrival
  • 8:45am  Mastermind discussion, covering attendee challenges
  • 9:45am  Wrap-up with tailored next steps for attendees on their personal challenge

Limited to 14 attendees to allow for discussion.  

Speaker line-up:

Caroline Canty, Founder and Director, Craft Coaching

Caroline Canty is the founder and director of Craft Coaching, and a business and leadership coach who specialises in the tech and digital creative sectors. She supports ambitious business owners in getting the most out of their teams and resource, helping them to sell and go to market more effectively, and improving their results in competitive B2B markets. She's passionate about leadership and management, helping teams to develop high-performance mindsets whilst fostering a supportive "coaching culture" within the businesses she works with.

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From Free
28 June 2023 8:30 - 10:00
CTI Digital 1st Floor Express Networks 2 3 George Leigh Street Manchester M4 4DL

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