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8 June 2023 17:00 - 19:30

The start up scene isn’t short of people peddling their success stories. Every morning we wake up to a new ‘Linkedin lesson’ or humble brag. 

Founders are too often given conflicting advice from those who’ve never actually grown a company. Growing a business is hard, the Founder Fuck Ups event series is about bringing us back to reality.

Hear from founders who’ve been there before and learnt their lessons the hard way. More importantly, listen to what advice they wish they had beforehand. There will be a strict ‘no bullshit’ and ‘no judgement’ rule, and hopefully everyone can enjoy some awkward stories we can all learn a little from. 

Hosted by Tania Rahman, Investment Manager at Praetura, you will hear from:

  • Jennie Johnson MBE, Founder & Chief Executive Officer at My First Five Years
  • Guy Remond, Co-Founder & Partner at EHE Capital
  • Sam Royle, Founder of SoSquared
  • Patience Tucker, CEO of wi-Q Technologies

As is start up tradition, beers and refreshments will be included. 

Hosted by Prolific North, Exchange, The Start Up Factory and Praetura Ventures.

From Free
8 June 2023 17:00 - 19:30
21-23 Quay St Manchester M3 4AE United Kingdom

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