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Agency Insights Survey 2018


At Manchester Digital, we want to know a few things about our region’s digital agencies.

  • How are you finding your clients in 2018?
  • How confident are you about growing turnover this year?
  • Are you planning to recruit, and if so, where from?
  • What’s your opinion on Brexit's impact on your business?

Are you one of Manchester's digital agencies? If so, help us to answer these questions by taking in our survey.

Why do we want to know?

We want to know answers to these questions so that we have a better understanding of the challenges currently facing Manchester’s digital agencies and how we, as a region, can pull together, react, and improve.

So please, help us to better the region's digital agency ecosystem by being a part of our Agency Insights Survey 2018.

The survey is open to agencies of all shapes and sizes within Greater Manchester.

Its aim is to produce a report that will provide key trends and insights which, when analysed will help our agencies make decisions that will lead to more growth within our region.

Participants will be invited to take part in subsequent insights discussions and agency spotlight features.

We thank you in advance for your insights.

Take the survey


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