There’s an old fable about a baby elephant that is tied to a post. Try as it might the baby elephant cannot break free because the post is too sturdy and the rope shackling it too strong. The baby elephant ultimately succumbs and accepts that it faces a life of servitude. After not too long however the baby elephant is no longer a baby but a strong and powerful adolescent mastodon more than capable of breaking free from its tether. But this now mighty beast remains tied to the post hindered by the belief it formed when much smaller that it was incapable of freedom.
An old fable this may well be but it’s also a great illustration of how we can allow our beliefs to prevent us from pursuing and fulfilling our goals. Such beliefs hold us back from doing important things like applying for that new role, accepting that next challenge or grasping those life moments that create lasting dreams and memories.
Our beliefs put boundaries and limitations on what we perceive to be reasonable behaviour. They can hold us back from what we are truly capable of or who we want to become. Like the elephant that remains stuck to the fence post, these limiting beliefs keep us in place without us even realising it.
Such limiting beliefs typically fall into one of three categories.
Limiting beliefs about you that make you feel like you can’t do something because it will simply push you beyond what you are comfortable with today.
Limiting beliefs about your environment that make you feel like you can’t do something because no one will trust you to.
Limiting beliefs about life that make you feel like you can’t do something because it’s just fundamentally too frightening or difficult.
Have you ever said or heard someone say something along the lines of “there is absolutely no way that will work” or perhaps “I’ll need another couple of years’ experience before they’d trust me to take on that” or maybe “I’d love to take on that charity bungee jump but my fear of heights would never let me”? Think about it for a moment. Why should we assume these inner beliefs to be true?
Working with a good coach will help to illuminate these hidden, self-imposed limitations that are sabotaging your personal and professional aspirations. By uncovering subconscious roadblocks, coaches can empower clients to dismantle mental obstacles, paving the way for unprecedented growth and achievement. Your goals are achievable. Believe and don’t let your subconscious beliefs limit who you are truly capable of becoming.