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The science industry bibleNew Scientist magazine has appointed digitalbrand specialists CodeComputerlove ( ) to redesign its . TheManchester-based digitalmarketing agency was appointed followingcompetitive pitch.   New Scientist's weekly printmagazine is a vital source of science andtechnology information forprofessional scientists, business people,politicians and all thosewith an intellectual curiosity about the worldin which we live. Like manymedia brands, New Scientist has experienceda massive surge inpopularity in the online version of its news andinformation service whichprovides online users with features, articles,videos and jobs.    Code's remit is to updatethe site, which was last redesigned in 2004,focusing on improvedusability and better navigation to make newsstories and features moreaccessible. The new site design will alsoallow for the addition ofother types of web services , such as socialnetworking and platforms foruser generated content.     Sophy Ashworth, head ofmarketing for New Scientist, said: "Theobjective of the siterefresh is to ensure New Scientist's onlinepresence reflects thebrand's core values and editorial style of cool,rational intellect with atouch of irreverent humour. We also need tocater for the increasednumber of readers preferring to consumeinformation online by makingthe site extremely easy to use as a toolfor discovery as well assource of news. The site currently has around2m users and attracts 10mpage impressions a month   "We chose Code as ourcreative partner based on their brandunderstanding and initialdesign concepts and ideas, which are now beingworked up. The site willhave a clean, contemporary and uncluttered feeland will feature new userexperience techniques and novel ways forreaders to view and managedata."     Code will work with NewScientist's in-house online development team tobuild the site.    Code Computerlove accountdirector Steve Peters said: "We have appliedour brand and retailexperience gained working with clients such HMV,Waterstone's and CrownPaints to the magazine sector to offer NewScientist an innovativewebsite design based on industry-leading userexperiences.     

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