Since 2016 CryptoBatesGroup have has hosted CoinFestUK, a free to attend crypto event hosting speakers, workshops, exhibitors, activities and crypto artists from all over the world. Over the years our event has attached 1000s of visitors and has grown year on year. We have since expanded our range of events to include co-organising BitBrighton and BitBrum (Crypto focused events in their respective towns) and are currently working on the CryptoCup event with Sportsbetio and Watford FC.
With every event one area we always try to improve on is interaction between our attendees: Speakers interacting with our attendees (and visa versa), exhibitors interacting with our attendees (and visa versa), even attendees interacting with other attendees!
Building on years of experience we are bringing an idea to the event space: A easily accessible token which can be earnt and spent at any of our events and/or online. The key to this token is it isn't for sale, you can't buy it to be part of the eco-system you need to earn it or be gifted it.
Ways in which attendees can earn the token include volunteering, filling in surveys on our event, hosting giveaways in relation to our event, introducing new attendees to our event and so on.
Once earned attendees can 'spend' / use the token in a variety of ways including purchasing extra raffle entry tickets, unlocking discount codes on sponsor merchandise, tipping speakers, purchasing free drink wristbands at our event and much more.
We aren't reinventing the wheel and there is a lot of work to do but we hope to create an eco-system which develops over time with attendees feedback and ideas with the hope to maximise attendee interaction and benefits for them attending our event.
As CoinFestUK is our flagship event this will be the first event to incorporate 'in person' benefits. As part of CoinFestUK we have teamed up with Trustology.io as our 2020 Wallet Partner.
Here are some notes on the token:
Token Code: CBE
Technology: ERC-20
Current Supply: 300,000
Supply capped at: 1,000,000
Check out more details on the token at: https://cryptobatesgroup.co.uk/token.html