The new Police CyberAlarm helps business understand and monitor malicious cyber activity.
Every business in Greater Manchester can now access a free digital tool designed to help understand and monitor incoming threats from hackers.
Police CyberAlarm was first introduced to a number of organisations in various regions as part of a pilot. Following its success, the government-funded initiative is now being rolled out across Greater Manchester and the rest of the country.
Detective Inspector Dave Turner from the Regional Cyber Crime Team said:
“The threat of cyber-attacks against businesses are increasing and police and industry need to work together to combat this threat. Police CyberAlarm is a great example of what can be achieved when policing and private industry works together.
“The more members we have, the more data we get which will provide law enforcement with a much richer intelligence picture about the current and emerging threats businesses are facing. The data will also be presented back to members in the form of regular reports to help them take steps to improve their cybersecurity.”
What is Police CyberAlarm?
Police CyberAlarm is a free tool to help your business understand and monitor malicious cyber activity.
Police CyberAlarm acts as a “CCTV camera” monitoring the traffic seen by your businesses’ connection to the internet. It will detect and provide regular reports of suspected malicious activity, enabling your business to minimise your vulnerabilities.
What are the benefits to my business?
Regular Reporting
Detailing potentially malicious/attack activity discovered on your firewall/ internet gateway. You can use these reports for further investigation and to better protect your business.
Business Information and Intelligence
Data is used to provide details on the latest threats discovered, giving your business the ability to update security measures.
Identify your Business Vulnerabilities
Scan your businesses website and external IP addresses for known vulnerabilities. These regular reports can help you protect your business from known suspicious activity.
Helping the Police Help You
Data is also used by the police to identify current threats, take enforcement action against cybercriminals and help your business prepare and better protect itself.
Businesses can sign up on the Police Cyber Alarm website. They will then receive a unique code which once added to the website will provide access to full instructions and how to install Police CyberAlarm.