With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of businesses, which may still be under restrictions.
The workplace
As many offices have been left vacant over the past year it is important to ensure it is ready to begin day-to-day work. The first port of call is to check the overall cleanliness of the workspaces; if someone has left their lunch in the office before lockdown it is not going to be a pretty sight!
Secondly, with computers and other electronic devices being left unmanned they are susceptible to being out of date or potentially broken so a systems check of all the devices and an internet speed test could highlight any basic problems that may be lingering out of sight.
Finally, as some workplaces have thrived in the shift to a digital office leaving some employees to prefer this way of working, so it is important to accommodate this style of work by ensuring the correct systems are in place.
Online Systems
The pandemic has shone a spotlight on the technology side of businesses and some businesses have met the demand, whereas others have fallen short. A prime example of this was food delivery, where the ones that had invested in their online order systems were able to carry on serving customers without much disruption to their business.
As we come out of the pandemic and consequent restrictions, businesses need to remember what they’ve learned and recognise where they have gone wrong in the past.
Many employees may opt to continue remote working, if this is the case employers must ensure there are capable systems in place to allow employees to work together seamlessly and with no interruptions.
With business beginning to fully reopen, websites may receive an increased flow of traffic, potentially more than before. You will need to ensure that your website host is ready to meet this new demand and are on hand 24/7 in case of any issues.
Last but not least, there has been an increase in cyber attacks since the pandemic started so your online security should be a priority. Making sure simple defences are in place such as Firewall Protection is vital and conducting a cyber security audit is a great way to find where these security measures need to be placed.
Mental health
Some people's mental health has suffered as a result of the pandemic (for example, through the sudden reduction in physical contact with work colleagues). It is therefore a good idea that employees are checked on and readied for the start of post-covid business and this can include continued support as people get used to working in an office environment again.
How we can help
If you would like more information on any of the digital issues above please contact us on 0161 464 6101 or chat with us on our website and our friendly team will be happy to assist you.
We are a five-star rated company that has the trust of our customers for a reason – we really listen to your needs and once we understand what you require, you can leave it with us!