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Why you don't need a sales trainer

AI - 1950's classroom scene

Sales flagging ? Get the trainer in ! 

In nearly 20 years of Sales, I've lost count of the number of times that my team had a consultant wheeled out in front of them every time the figures assumed a downward turn. 

In case you've been lucky enough to avoid a morning, or worse, when you're taken off the phones and sat down in front of an "expert trainer", here's how it typically goes. 

"Make interesting gestures with your hands.... "

Yes, you're going to be subjected to endless, spurious crap. 

One memorable incident involved a "famous" sales trainer "making interesting gestures with his hands." He stood there for about 10 minutes, contorting his hands into all kinds of bizarre shapes as he talked, and then revealed his Secret Sauce - this was apparently "to hold the attention of anyone you were talking to." 

Well, presumably rather than "say something interesting and pertinent". 

"Be nice one day and nasty the next.... "

.... "to get past the gatekeeper". "Look. I really have to speak to the Finance Director. He's specifically asked me to call him. This is a very important call and you're getting in the way." 

ie. if "nice" doesn't work, bully your way in. 

However, in the real world, the Finance Director isn't really interested, has told reception "no calls" and there's no way of getting through to him, no matter what. Nice or nasty doesn't enter into it. 

"Never give up.... "

No, give up. Ringing someone for the fourteenth time after thirteen failures is not "will to win" or "persistence pays off", it's "stupid and inefficient and a waste of your time". 

Give up. Ring someone else. 

"The secret special recipe.... "

Oh look, there's a New and Special Way of doing things. It's got a new name. The Can't Fail New Sales Method. 

This "New and Special Way" generally keeps Sales Trainers in business. New marketing avenue for them. When it gets wrung dry, you can bet there's another New and Special Way around the corner. 

That won't work, either. 

"Spurious team exercise time ! "

"Let's all make the highest tower possible using spaghetti and marshmallows ! " 

Let's just not. 

Well, that was useful. Not.

After you've sat through a half dozen "training by expert" sessions, you'll probably think, well, if there's one useful thing I can take away from this, it's worth it. " After you've sat through a dozen sessions, you'll think "nope, another total waste of time and it's taking me away from the phone. " 

So, does your organisation and Sales Team actually need a "sales trainer ?" 

Well. Not one in "quotes", anyway. Or one with a packet of spaghetti.

Practical, real world sales training

What you - possibly - need is practical, real world sales training.  

Contrary to popular belief, effective Sales involves just a few simple guidelines. (I hesitate to call them "rules". ) 

It's not fancy, in fact, it's as simple as possible. There are no "sure fire wins from new methodologies" - unless you count the "sales trainer" getting a sure fire win by explaining the new methodology over the course of an extra (chargeable) day.

Contact details

All Sales teams can do with a refresh at times. So long as it's a useful and practical one. And coincidentally has a Return On Investment, of course. 

If you'd like to discuss how a practical, real world approach to Sales can benefit your company, drop me a mail at . I have 18 years experience in B2B sales - and more in Marketing. Although I specialise in IT, the simple guidelines I can give your team are applicable to any industry. 

Feel free to get in touch for an exploratory chat ! 

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