So you’ve just spent a couple of hours perfecting your blog and you’ve set it live. Or you’ve been working with a graphic designer to create a beautiful social media graphic and it’s been posted. What next? Is that the end of the line for all those pieces of content or can you get more results from each one?
We think the answer is summed up nicely in this quote… “Content repurposing is about getting the maximum return from every single piece of content you create. Content repurposing can take many forms, and there are lots of different and creative ways that you can repurpose your content, but every content creator must repurpose.” (Amy Woods) So let’s get in to how you can start getting more from every piece of content you’ve worked so hard to create this far…
What is repurposing content?
Repurposing content refers to the act of changing the way that your existing content is presented and to look for new ways to reuse various elements from it. The result is more content, a further reach and more engagement from every piece of content you already have.
The benefits of repurposing content
Not only does repurposing content mean you get to cut down on a lot of the time involved in creating new ideas and fresh content, but it also offers benefits to your audience. Although you have a target demographic in mind, it’s worth considering that every member in your audience will have their own preferences on how they consume content. By providing content in a variety of formats you are making your brand more accessible to your audience wherever they are browsing.
Another reason is that every person has their own unique learning style. Some people love to view graphics and illustration to digest information whereas others find it easier to read through content, and some people engage better with more interactivity. Repurposing your content means that you’re not just reaching people in the format they’ll most likely engage with, but also a format that makes the information as easy as possible to digest.
What content should you repurpose?
The first step is to decide which content you would like to get started on repurposing first. Of course, pretty much any content can be repurposed but it’s a good idea to look back over pieces that have already generated engagement to get a feel for what content your audience has enjoyed most. You could review this by looking at the amount of traffic a blog posts gets monthly using software like Google Analytics or checking out which pieces of content have generated the most backlink. Most social media platforms generate statistics and reports which allow you to see which posts have gained the most attention there too.
How to repurpose podcast content
Podcasts are really great way to present a lot of helpful information for your audience, and for helping people to connect more to your brand since they can get to know the people in your team much more personally than most other content formats. Not only that, they are also growing in popularity. In fact, there are over 2,000,000 podcasts available right now. (Podcast Insights)
So if you’ve gone to the effort to get interesting guests, chat through topical subjects and created a podcast worth listening to, how can you repurpose that content? To repurpose podcast content for social media, consider cutting down the video into small chunks that address subtopics. Adding captions and graphics to these bite-size chunks of your podcast make them perfect for sharing on social media, and as a bonus you can link to the full episode to get more traffic through to your original podcast.
Sound bites from your podcast can also help create incredible explainer videos. Using your podcast as a voiceover and accompanying it with relevant illustrative graphics in the form of an explainer video then gives you even more social content, but it’s also an asset that can easily be embedded into a web page or used in your paid ad strategy.
How to repurpose blog content
Pretty much every brand recognises the power of a blog, so the likelihood is that your blog page is already full of content. To get even more from that content you’ll need to find ways to redistribute it. To repurpose blog content for social media, consider grouping together a list of five quotes that demonstrate the value that can be found in the blog and creating a carousel post! A carousel post can be shared on both Instagram and LinkedIn, and they’re a great way to package longer form content in a more easily understandable way. Another way to repurpose blog content is to create infographics that lay the information out visually. To do this you’ll need to select just a few stand-out takeaways from the blog as infographics will focus more on clear and powerful graphics rather than copy.
Other ways to repurpose blog content include creating a downloadable ebook that uses the original blog post as a foundation but goes into slightly more detail to add further value to the viewer. By doing that, you create an asset that can be used in lead generation advertising or as a way to capture customer details reading your existing blog posts.
The above methods are brilliant for repurposing the content format, but to get more from your blog it’s also worth looking at your distribution channels. Could you use the idea for an initial blog as a basis for a pitch to guest blog on another website? Would a Slack community work as a place to post your blogs to individuals who fit your target demographic? Could you join more groups on LinkedIn to share content? Looking for ways to redistribute your blog content is another brilliant way to expand reach.
In this article, we’ve discussed the importance of repurposing content and how to get started with some of the most popular content formats we are sure you’ve got ready to go right now. The best thing to remember is that there is always a way to get further reach from the content you’ve already put hard work into creating, so get creative with your formats and distribution channels and you’re sure to see better results!