What does your organisation do?
At Fuzzy Labs, we believe that Artificial Intelligence should be for everybody, not just companies with big budgets. We want to help organisations understand what AI is, what they can do with it and help them to implement a solution that delivers real value.
We’re very transparent about how AI works. Most of our work is published as open source tools and we regularly blog and speak about what we do. We hope that this will inspire and help organisations to benefit from AI.
We love to help organisations on their AI journey, we work together to develop and integrate a solution that works for them.
We’re also developing generic AI solutions that we can offer as a service at a very competitive cost. We do this by building our solutions on Google Cloud which means that we only pay for the resources that we use, keeping our costs low and passing on those savings to our customers.
These solutions include:
Recommendation systems - suggest products that your customers are more likely to buy.
Sentiment analysis - monitor your social media feed or emails and tell you how customers feel about your company.
Fraud detection - monitoring financial transactions and detecting anomalies in behaviours.
Document automation - taking a scanned document and automatically classifying it as a certain type - passport, utility bill etc.
We like to dabble with hardware too. We've recently started attaching sensors to our shoes in order to capture that data and help to monitor how we walk / run / dance / workout!!
What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?
Considering that we've only been operating for 6 months, the fact that we've been able to quickly define our strategy, make some meaningful partnerships and generate some real interest in what we're doing is something that we're proud of. That and releasing our first Vlog recently was something that was completely out of our comfort zone, but it got people excited about what we're doing. This encourages us to get better at it and do some more!
What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?
Getting the message out there. We're both introverted nerds so sales and marketing doesn't come naturally to us! Fortunately we've got some great advisors and support so we're definitely heading in the right direction with this stuff.
What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?
Very promising. We work out of the Tech Incubator on Oxford Rd alongside Manchester Digital and lots of other startups in a similar position to us. We meet clever, interesting people every day and have already started to form some lasting relationships with them that we expect will transpire into fulfilling and collaborative projects. Innovation comes from startups as we aren't constrained by the normal things that affect big enterprises. Encouragingly, we've found that there is good support for tech startups (from Manchester Digital in particular) and as long as that support continues then so will innovation and inevitably success for our region.
Tell us something we might not know about your company?
We hold our board meetings on the top of hills in the Peak District. Positive ideas and genuine reflection comes much easier when you've got your feet on the moors and the sun (usually wind and rain) in your face.
Get in touch
If you would like to speak with Fuzzy Labs, you can contact them here.
Or, alternatively, if you would like your business to feature on Manchester Digital's site, contact thom@manchesterdigital.com or download a free membership brochure to find out how Manchester Digital membership can help to raise your company's profile.