2020 has been an eventful year, to say the least. With a second national lockdown looming, the imposed restrictions could be detrimental for many sectors. But how has the pandemic impacted the tech industry?
Digital transformations
The Coronavirus has changed the way we operate as a society with many industries turning to a digital way of working to navigate their way through this new norm. For many businesses, particularly those that rely on the physical attendance of their consumers and employees, social distancing restrictions have been critical. Adapting to this new way of life has meant ensuring procedures are put in place so that employees can continue to work, whilst in a safe environment.
Business leaders are reviewing their current tech setup and investing in top-quality technology to help their business to run more efficiently. Some are already ahead of the game. Our client Kingdom, one of the UK’s largest service providers, recently underwent a full digital transformation. We replaced the outdated, existing legacy system with an easier to maintain, more user-friendly application. Ultimately, this created a quicker solution for the councils to use and the system enabled a seamless transition from lockdown to working at a higher capacity.
Government assistance
We have also recently supported another client of ours, Improveasy, to enhance their online presence and processes. We designed and developed lead capture pages to ensure easier access for eligible people to register online and apply for the Green Homes Grant Scheme, recently announced by the government. Our lead capture system enables Improveasy to manage data most efficiently. There’s much more to come for this company and we’re excited to be a part of their digital journey.
The pandemic has severely impacted the food industry and with many restaurants and bars fighting to avoid closure, venues are unearthing new ways to encourage consumer sales. With the public craving the normality of the dining out experience, there has been a notable rise in downloads of takeout apps; many outlets are now in hot pursuit of tech specialists to update their delivery services to keep up with the demand.
On the other hand, many are feeling the effects of months spent house-bound and the, more frequent than we’d like to admit, trips to the fridge whilst working from home. With another lockdown on the cards and the prospect of spending even more time at home, individuals have been forced to recognise their overall wellbeing and many have opted to channel this extra time into fitness and a stronger focus on nutrition. Our client Diets2Go provide a great solution, they offer an excellent delivery service of healthy yet tasty food. You can subscribe and get wholesome meals whilst avoiding any unnecessary contact at your local supermarket. They’re also currently undergoing a major transformation with us, so watch this space!
Virtual Reality
Unfortunately, social distancing measures have warranted the cancellation of some of our favourite events throughout the year, from the Christmas markets and NYE firework displays to the 2020 Olympics and the Grand National. However, with every cloud comes a silver lining and these unforeseen circumstances have made way for a fresh new outlook on sporting events going forward, with the introduction of Virtual Reality.
Success during lockdown
The sports sector has already incorporated Augmented Reality and now it would be hard to imagine the same immersive experience without it. Earlier in the year, we saw the Grand National displayed virtually using data algorithms and 40 CGI horses, it was a massive success, enabling viewers to stay in on the action from the comfort of their own homes. Who knows how far this will transform the sports industry but keep an eye out for some exciting collaborations we have in the pipeline!
If you would like to find out how we could help your business with any of these solutions, then please get in touch now.