Webinar: Thursday 14 January 2021 10:30am
Attend this webinar to learn about the ICO’s Age Appropriate Design Code, or Children’s Code - a new code of practice placing the best interests of children at the heart of online services. We will be discussing the 15 standards, how you can meet them, whether it applies to you and the code’s implications for your organisation and sector. Members of the ICO’s Children’s Code team will be available for you to answer any questions you may have.
The Children’s Code helps organisations to develop services that recognise children warrant special protection in how their personal data is used, whilst also offering plenty of opportunity to explore and develop online. The code came into force on 2 September 2020, with a 12 month transition period, and covers online services directly for children, and those that are likely to appeal to children.
We will be discussing the 15 standards, how you can meet them, whether it applies to you and the code’s implications for your organisation and sector. Members of the ICO’s Children’s Code team will be available for you to answer any questions you may have.
If you offer a product or service that is aimed at or likely to be accessed by under 18s, you’re probably in scope of the code and you may need to make changes to how you do things. This webinar is a chance for you to ask about implementation, the code itself or any other queries you have.
Register here: https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/news-and-events/news-and-blogs/2020/12/webinar-understanding-the-children-s-code/