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500 million users to have Windows 8 in 2013

Microsoft's given its first indication of how many devices it expects to ship running Windows 8 next year. Chief executive Steve Ballmer is reported to have said 500 million "users" would "have" Windows 8 next year - he was speaking at the Seoul Digital Forum, in South Korea.


There were no more specifics, and there was no clarification on whether Ballmer was referring to units - typical in such discussions - or another metric. He did continue, however, that Windows 8 would be the "deepest, broadest and most impactful" Windows software ever created by Microsoft.


"It's really, in some senses, a dawning of the rebirth of MS Windows... It's certainly the most important piece of work we've done," the Redmond kingpin told the event.


Read the full article on The Register's website.

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