As more and more businesses adopt agile as a methodology, we wondered, is agile a working style that is well suited to crisis management? And also, how are agile teams coping in the current restrictions.
With that in mind we thought we'd ask experts from Zuhkle and ENGINE Transformation to share their experience on working with agile teams throughout the lockdown.
Speaker info
Kev Murray is Zuhlke’s Regional Director for the North. Kev is an active member of Manchester’s vibrant digital community, he loves working in amazing agile teams, delivering world-class digital services.
Lawrence De'Ath helps Engine clients develop and launch digital services. He has spent 30 years helping people achieve more by rethinking how they solve problems. He’s worked in product development, manufacturing, software and digital. At the moment he’s working mainly with Agile and Scrum. He’s the Inventor on 10 Patents used on 500 Million products and led a team to write 1 million lines of software. Right now, he’s fresh out of Silver Bullets but is still helping clients get more done than they thought possible.
Additional content from ENGINE Transformation
Blog - Agile in a crisis: how agile principles can help you adapt
Content - Seven tips to work in a more agile way
Previous webinar - Work agile like a boss
Additional content from Zuhkle
Blog - Remote Discovery insights, how to make your remote Discovery a success
Video - Digital at scale