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Apple buys 3D sensing company PrimeSense for $350m

PrimeSense is best known for its sensing technology, which gives digital devices the ability to observe a scene in three dimensions. The technology is currently used to help power Microsoft's Xbox Kinect. The acquisition has sparked speculation that Apple is planning to develop its own motion-sensing device, with rumours centring on some form of gesture control for the long-rumoured Apple TV.

An Apple spokesperson commented: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.” Apple's interest in PrimeSense was first reported in July by the Israel-based news website Calacist, which was also first to report news of the purchase last week.

The acquisition of PrimeSense is Apple's second purchase of an Israeli company, after it bought flash storage chip maker Anobit in January 2012.

"Apart from this being yet another Israeli tech company being sold for a pretty impressive amount, the speculation is all about how Apple will use the technology," said TechMarketView analyst Richard Holway in a blog post. "Much of the talk is about an Apple iTV controlled by motion sensors. Possibly. But PrimeSense’s 3D motion sensor would open up some really interesting applications if put into an iPhone (or iPad). Indeed, they could also be the core feature of an iWatch. It would enable literally every thing you did to be monitored and analysed."

Source: The Telegraph

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