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Code highlights popular search terms with new game

On the back of this insight, Code Computerlove has created a fun and interactive game highlighting some of its findings – and to discover more about what people around the globe think about search topics.

The new Higher Lower Game highlights the fact that celebrities and trivial subjects are searched for more than important world issues such as climate change and refugee crisis. It raises interesting questions about the attitudes and cultures around us but also gives valuable insight into how to position charity campaigns in the future.”

Gareth Evans, search and media manager at Code Computerlove, said: “SEO is now the bedrock of most brand marketing and during the past three years there have been many changes to Google’s algorithms which means that companies continually need to be savvy when approaching search.

“The online game has been launched as an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) so that we can continually iterate as consumers use it. Making a fun game that works on any sized device, whilst retaining the same playability and enjoyment is a challenge that can only be solved by making something, testing and learning from it.”

“So far, the highest recorded score on the game is 113, however the average score is between three and four.”

Gareth added:  “By allowing the teams to collect a large amount of validated learnings, the idea is that it forms part of our learning and development and that intelligence from it can be used to inform future work.

“The idea also came about because we wanted to make keyword research, a sometimes boring SEO task, into something interesting, insightful and fun. We see this evolving into something much bigger with the addition of categories within the search results data and future plans could see the introduction of leaderboards and different sets of data too so we can be very specific about who we are targeting.”

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