In celebration of National Coding Week, we are running free coding sessions on the 15th September for all women interested in getting started in Tech.
The Tech industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK. Software Developer is in the top 5 sought after roles within the UK, making up 6% of all advertised vacancies. The demand is increasing year on year and there is currently a significant skills shortage that needs to be filled. This provides fantastic opportunities for people to develop new skills and enter the sector.
There is also a large gender gap that we are working hard to fill. Did you know that only 25.5% of UK positions in Tech are held by women in comparison to 49.8% for all other roles in the labour market? We don’t think this is okay and want to help bridge this gap.
There is still a perception that coding is too difficult, requires a maths degree and years of experience to enter the industry. This is simply not the case.
National Coding Week is all about raising awareness of the industry and providing accessible opportunities to people looking to get started. When learning to code, you pick up other skills as well. Things like communication skills, team working, problem solving and digital skills. All of these are transferable skills and can help you significantly throughout your life.
We are on a mission to help inspire Women into the Tech industry by providing them with inclusive, tailored training suitable for all levels of experience, which is why we have teamed up with Code Nation to inspire and empower more women to consider careers in digital and tech.
One of the key skills you need as a Software Developer is problem solving, all great code can be broken down into a series of smaller problems that are solved step by step.
Join us on the 15th September for a 3 hour taster session into the world of Coding. You will learn the fundamentals of coding and practice using Python to create your very own Dice game through our instructor lead code alongs. The rest of our team will also be there to support you along the way.
You will have the opportunity to meet our Digital Her Coding Role Models. They all started their journeys into Tech with little to no experience and are here to share their stories on how they developed their skills, pushed themselves and secured fantastic futures in the Tech Industry. You will be able to get a glimpse into the life of a Software Developer, ask any questions you may have and hear from some truly inspirational women.
You will also be able to attend an employability talk with our Head of Employability, Dan Russell who shares what you can do to make a start in this industry, how to stand out from the crowd and where you can to learn further skills.
We are running two events on the day, starting at 10:00 am and then at 2:00 pm. Are you interested in getting involved in tech?
Book your free place on one of our sessions today.