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Digital Apprenticeship Day announced for #MDSkillsFest

As part of the Digital Skills Festival (7th - 11th February 2022) and National Apprenticeship Week, Manchester Digital will be hosting a Digital Apprenticeship Day on Tuesday 8th February. 

The day will be split into 2 parts:

AM: Employer Breakfast Panel

This session is aimed at businesses who are interested in finding out more about digital apprenticeships and to discuss the benefits of employing apprentices in the digital sector. Through a panel session, we will deep dive into insights, success and key learning for delivering apprenticeships effectively. We will hear from employers and apprentices past and present who will discuss the benefits.

As well as dispelling some myths about the credibility and availability of an apprenticeship as a career pathway in tech; they will discuss the benefits and practicalities of employing apprentices, from both sides. Can digital apprenticeship pathways create accessible opportunities for diverse Talent? Come and find out how it is being done. And why you should invest for the future.  

Book your place now!

PM: Learner Session

National Apprenticeship Week is an excellent opportunity to explore the amazing range of career opportunities available in digital, and who is hiring. This Digital Apprenticeship event is aimed at anyone considering a digital apprenticeship, specifically College students, career changers and those who have recently upskilled in digital. There will be an Apprenticeships marketplace where you’ll be able to speak to specialist providers about the opportunities they can support you with, and find out what employers are hiring, how and when to apply.  

You’ll also hear talks from employer and past/current apprentices  about apprenticeships in the following areas: 

  • Creative (e.g. digital marketing, design) 
  • Cyber, AI & Data 
  • Software development 

The panels will be made up of current and past apprentices in each pathway, and one employer.

Any queries about the Digital Apprenticeship Day or our industry-backed Level 4 Software Developer Apprenticeship programme, please contact

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