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Digital Her Work Experience – What did the girls learn?

During National Careers Week, we sent students from Whalley Range High School – a school that’s participating in Digital Her – out on work experience with some of our members.

In doing so, we hoped that the girls would find out more about the exciting roles available in the digital world, and to gain some first-hand industry experience, too.

Let’s see where they went and what they learnt.

First, let’s find out what Rashkan got up to at her Digital Her work experience at PRWD

Tell us a bit about your Digital Her work experience at PRWD

It’s been so good. I got to sit in on a client meeting on my first day, I was surprised how relaxed and friendly it was. We discussed a problem they were having and how we could fix it. I thought to work in an office was going to be very different, it is so calm and relaxed but everyone is working and helping each other out. Not as stressful as I thought it would be, or as formal. Everyone is so nice.

I then got to set up the user research lab and work with the Amelia the researcher and Skie the strategist and the client on a user research project. I was watching live stream of how people use a website and was taking notes to build up knowledge and data on how we might so the problem to inform the sketches.

Today I’ve been learning more about what a UX designer is and does and how you can become one. I’ve been learning about the different techniques and sketching before prototypes are made.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned this week so far?

I’ve learned so much, the different jobs people actually do, things that happen, processes and what goes into making a website or app work and why, things I would never even think about, prototypes and wireframes and how you don’t need to code to do lots of jobs.

What’s been really interesting the psychology behind everything – how people use a website, and how it is all connected, everyone has a part to play in the business on a project, how research informs the design and then is tested before it is even built. There is a lot that goes into it which has been surprising.

Now let’s hear what Anum and Pasmala thought of their time at Code Computerlove

Tell us what have you been doing at Code Computerlove this week

Pasmala -Lots of different things. Introductions via a 'brew round' where we learned the company is split into different teams/areas so we went around and ask people what they do, how they got into the job, whether they went to university or took an apprenticeship, what other jobs they have had, what they enjoy most about their job, There was so many, I was really surprised by that.

Why did you want to do work experience in a digital and tech business?

Anum - I chose it because I'm really passionate about programming. I have been doing it since year 8 and my teacher Mr Corney has helped me a lot, really built up my confidence and advised on things I should do or try. I am really interested in programming. I hope in future I will do something in this for a job. When I'm at school, working on a project in python, it doesn't feel like I'm doing school stuff. I just really enjoy what I'm doing so it feels a bit like a hobby. Many people here at Code have said if you love your job it isn't a job any more, and that's what I want to be like.

Pasmala - I'm not exactly sure what I want to be when I grow up, but I am really interested in digital. At school, I do a creative i-media course, so I am thinking about possible design or media job. I wanted to use this week to find out whether I might like it or not. I think this week has really helped to confirm that I'd like a job in digital. And it was good to find out about subjects I might be best to study at college and university.

What is it that excites you most about digital and technology?

Pasmala - It’s the fact that it's always evolving, it's never the same boring thing and if you really enjoy it, it's your passion, I don't think it would feel like just a job. You get to do what you love and you get paid, it's win-win.

What has excited you most / most exciting thing you've done this week?

Anum - We are making an app for Chester Zoo, we had a brief of what the client wanted, what problems users experienced or may experience and had to come up with some ideas to address these. For example one of the problems a user might have is; if it's raining someone might not want to come to the zoo, so we came up with the idea of having an umbrella icon on the app's map, but on the map so you can see easily where there is shelter, or what parts of the zoo are undercover or inside, also we've added in a checkpoint code as you travel around the zoo, you can collect points for children or adults for prizes or vouchers or rewards. And lots of other features too.

How would you sum up your digital her work experience week here at Code?
Pasmala - I think it was amazing. It’s really helped me to grow. What I originally thought was ‘oh it's an office it will just have lots of computers and everyone is isolated and working on their own with barely any communication’. But it is so different.

They work in small groups and they have a stand up here every morning and come together on whatever they are working on. If someone needs help or there's something blocking them achieving what they need to or they need to speak with the client about anything, they all help one another - I was like wow, I didn't know that was a thing! My view of what it is like working in an office environment has changed a lot.
Anum - It’s brilliant here. I don’t want to leave.

Has your work experience been how you thought it would be?

Anum - No. It's been so much better than I imagined. It isn't stressful. They discuss with each other a lot. The staff here are really supportive and relaxed, they will help you if you need it. I was expecting – like you see in movies, where everyone is sat at row of computers not talking to each other and a stressful environment.

But it isn't like that here. I have learned that they work in disciplines -and have small teams would work together to support each other. Lots of people here came from apprenticeships, which I found very interesting. I am definitely interested in a software developer apprenticeship.

Has this week encouraged you to pursue a career in digital and technology?

Anum - Yes definitely. I really like this company, I honestly don't want to go back to school. I want to stay here for another week. But I know that's not possible. Some of the jobs I've learned about this week, I didn't even know existed.

I think this week has confirmed I want to be a back end developer and it has encouraged me to see so many women here who are also programming. You usually see more men doing it. And the great thing is the women here are valued for doing it and are in leadership roles managing teams too. It's given me the confidence to think I can do it too.

Finally, let’s hear what Aemen thought of her placement at Salford Royal’s NHS Digital Team

Why did you want to do work experience with Salford Royal’s digital team?

I’ve always wanted to see behind the scenes at the NHS and thought it would be great to learn about how they use technology, too. Not many hospitals use the technology that’s being used at Salford so I wanted to see it.

I’d like to work in the medical sector one day and I know that technology will be a big part of that so I want to get a picture of how it will all work in the future.

What are your thoughts on tech in the NHS based on what you’ve seen over the course of the week?

Tech has such a big impact on healthcare and how the NHS operates. It can make it easier to access records, speeds things up processes and allows everything to be easily stored.

There’s also really exciting things. I went to the pharmacy today and saw a robot that delivered the medicine that was entered into the computer. It was like a futuristic hand. It was really cool.

Has this week encouraged you to want to pursue a career in digital and technology?

I guess even if I don’t want to work with tech. I will have to. There’s more to tech than meets the eye and it plays a big role in people’s jobs as well.

Want to get involved?

If you’re a school that would like to sign up for support in teaching digital and tech through experience days and much more, you can do so as part of either Digital Futures, or Digital Her (our school support provision aimed specifically at girls).

Businesses, if you’d like to help us to promote digital and tech to the next generation of talent, you can do so by signing up here.


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