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Financial and creative will drive Manchester's economy

Its quarterly edition of the Manchester Monitor, an analysis of current trends in the sub-regional economy, suggests that financial and professional services will produce more than 45,000 jobs within the next 10 years.

This will account for 40% of Greater Manchester’s GVA (Gross Value Added) growth which measures the value of goods and services produced in an area.  

Over the same period, the creative industries could bring an estimated 23,000 new jobs to Greater Manchester – growth of 13% - says New Economy. 

Baron Frankal, director of economic strategy at New Economy, said: “Looking ahead, significant growth is expected to come from financial services and the creative industries in the next year and beyond. This is in addition to other sectors which are also expected to strengthen Greater Manchester’s economy going forward, particularly manufacturing which is estimated to increase its current GVA output by £1.3bn in the next 10 years.”

Source: The Business Desk

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