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Janrain and Intechnica highlight importance of performance to SaaS products

When choosing to use a SaaS partner's services, a business has many things to consider, but performance can often be a concern; after all, the business will have no control over the infrastructure behind the software.

Janrain wanted to prove to themselves and the market that their hosted registration, social profile data collection and storage service could handle any load that a potential customer might throw at it.

Intechnica's solution was to load test the service using its TrafficSpike tool, utilising cloud technology to throw high levels of load in the form of virtual users at the service at once.

The effect performance, good or bad, has on websites and software is dramatic, as consumers will not put up with sluggish or unresponsive user experiences. Janrain ensured their service would hold up and remain responsive, no matter how hard it was being hit.

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