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Manchester Digital calls on industry to pull together over EU referendum

Manchester Digital has witnessed much political upheaval throughout the 15 years since it began. During this time it has always supported the innovative and growing digital and technology sector to evolve and adapt to change.

Whilst the referendum result does not reflect the wishes of the majority of our members it is vital that we pull together and make sure that the issues created by leaving the EU are properly represented and communicated to local and national government.

There will be impact on the North West as we lose EU programmes but we must push for our region to be fairly represented as new finance and funding structures are put in place. We must ensure that devolution and support for skills and infrastructure in the North continues and that access to markets and movement of talent is not restricted.

The potential loss of access to EU traditional markets means new industries like ours are now even more vital to the economic success of the UK.

We will be talking to our members in the coming months to get your views and to make sure that when a new government is in place and our future is being negotiated we have a strong and united voice.

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