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Member of the week: DLHD Group Ltd

What does your organisation do?

We are an affiliate publisher doing the thinking and shopping for men, sending timely prompts with bespoke gift recommendations to make their lives easier, and keep their ladies happy.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

Too much noise! It’s difficult to stand out when everyone is using digital to promote their business and consumers are crowded by messaging. For small companies that operate solely online like us, it can feel like a losing battle when we are going head to head with the big boys in retail, who have huge marketing budgets to support their online presence.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

When our website was still under construction, we pitched our concept to a wishlist of affiliate partners with just some basic visuals and a lot of passion. We were literally overjoyed when John Lewis approved our application to work with them, as they are such a trusted name amongst consumers and list many of our favourite brands.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

Getting heard, and then converting potential users to sign up. Our service is completely free, but we are finding that message hard to convey and therefore have a lot of work to do from a marketing perspective, with little to no budget!

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

Bright and exciting! Manchester is an attractive place to be for young talent to break through and if we are all supporting each other within the industry, the world is our oyster. That’s the beauty of digital – it enables us to connect far wider than our own city, whilst never having to venture out of it. And why would you want to? It’s a great place to be!

Tell us something we might not know about your company?

We're entirely self-funded – just two mums who took a risk with a great idea, because we were determined to find a way to work and achieve greatness whilst balancing parenthood. Our dream is to find huge success, whilst still managing the school run.


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