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Member of the Week - Sparta Digital

1. What does your organisation do?

Sparta Digital provide user engagement solutions for a range of challenges. Our specialist skills in IoT smart city solutions, mobile app development, data visualisation and augmented reality have led to us becoming the partner of choice for both private and public organisations.

2. What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

The UK tech industry is experiencing a skills shortage. E-Skills UK estimates that the industry needs an annual influx of 140,000 entrants, however, we are only producing around 16,500 computer science graduates per year. This issue will be further amplified when Brexit comes into effect and we no longer have unobstructed access to Europe's vast staff pool.

3. What is your organisation's biggest achievement?

In 2015 Sparta Digital was granted partner status in Innovate UK’ s £10m CityVerve Project. CityVerve is the U.K.’ s largest IoT smart city demonstrator which aims to deliver a smarter, more connected Manchester, creating a city that uses technology to meet the complex needs of its people. A few other partners include BT, Manchester City Council, Cisco, TFGM, Ordnance Survey and The University of Manchester.

4. What would you consider to be your organisation's biggest challenge?

Sparta Digital’ s buzzin app (a product of the CityVerve project) has engaged thousands of Manchester-based users. One reason buzzin is so popular in Manchester is because we understand our users, to the point where we have tailored content and processes specifically to them. In 2018 we are looking to expand the buzzin app into new cities around the world.

This means new users with different likes, dislikes and interests. If we are to replicate our success outside of Manchester we will need to quickly become experts of our new users. It'll be a really challenging task but very exciting at the same time.

5. What do you think the future looks like for Manchester's digital and tech sector?

As partners in CityVerve - Manchester’s Smart City demonstrator we are invested in developing digital solutions to turn Manchester into a blueprint for all smart cities of the future. Manchester will be the first truly user-centric city in the world. Businesses, residents and tourists will be able to interact seamlessly with each other due to the introduction of new IoT Technology. The possibilities are endless so watch this space, and try to keep up.

“I don’t want Greater Manchester to be just a smart city – I want it to be the smartest city .”

Andy Burnham Mayor of Greater Manchester

6. Tell us something we might not know about your company?

Apart from Gordon Brown opening our office in 2005 we're also seen as one of the most diverse SME's in Manchester! Together we have 8 nationalities and speak 11 languages and our family roots stretch all over the world. This multiculturalism embellishes Sparta Digital’s creativity, allowing us to develop unique innovative solutions perfect for our clients.

Big thank you to Sparta Digital, check them out here

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