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MMU sourcing Projects for Year 2 students

MMU undertook this approach for the first time last year, partly developed from conversations with Digital Leaders -, and there was definitely enthusiasm for 'real' projects that the students could undertake. They have sat down and provided a simple outline of what they think will work, plus a brief form to complete if any companies are interested (with August 11th as a deadline): Past projects that students could rework, or generic ones that they could put their creative talents to, can also be suitable. 

If you dont have any suitable projects, but you feel that you could have something to say to students, ranging from the over-confident, to those that need some encouragement, then we'd love a simple video. That they could share on our (public) blog and use in the classroom with the students. Hearing advice from employers, and those ahead of them in the graduate journey does seem to help give them a sense of what's realistically involved! 

For more information please contact: 

Dr Bex Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing


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