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National Apprenticeship Week - let's hear from the apprentices

At Manchester Digital, we’re big advocates of apprenticeships. That's why we support National Apprenticeship Week's #LookBeyond campaign and proudly wear the Fired Up Badge.

You’d probably expect that seeing as we have been running our very own Level Four Software Development Apprenticeship for over 3 years.

So, why are we big fans of apprenticeship programmes?

  • They encourage greater levels of diversity by widening the talent pool
  • They allow industry to have a greater say in the skills being taught to trainees
  • They offer apprentices unparalleled access to new skills and experiences.
As it’s National Apprenticeship Week, we thought we’d celebrate, not only our own apprenticeship programme but the vast array of apprenticeship pathways by catching up with some young apprentices and hearing what they have to say about the programmes that they're on.


We'll be catching up with Hannah Huggins, Husnain Ahmed and Laura Lightfoot.

To begin with, introduce yourself, where you work and what apprenticeship your studying for?

I'm Hannah, I work for the Co-op as an apprentice software engineer as part of Manchester Digital’s apprenticeship.

I’m Husnain Ahmed, I work at Dentsu Aegis network and I’m studying the business admin level 3 apprenticeship

I’m Laura Lightfoot. I’m currently working at Apadmi through The Juice Academy. I found the apprenticeship through a lot of searching and researching. At Apadmi I’m working as a marketing apprentice specialising in digital marketing and social media.

What made you want to get involved with an apprenticeship scheme?

Hannah - I’ve always been interested in tech but I had it in my mind that you needed a degree to be a software engineer. When looking around on the internet I found this apprenticeship. It looked perfect so I signed up and was lucky enough to get on board.

Husnain - I felt like I was ready to work in a professional environment and, in my opinion, experience is better than education. Having looked online, I saw there were lots of information, roles and opportunities available so I got involved.

Laura - Last year, I did a foundation degree at Manchester Met University that specialised in Art and Design. I found that I was getting pushed down the route of doing graphic design but I had an eagerness to work and learn new skills in the marketing industry. I decided that I wanted to go into a professional setting rather than spending three years at uni gaining qualifications but no industry-specific skills. So here I am.

Is being an apprentice what you expected? If not, what surprised you?

Hannah - I’m really enjoying it. I really I think its all really well laid out. They set your expectations from the beginning so you know what you have to work towards. It’s all about building you up to work in a career in tech. It isn’t what I expected but in a good way, it’s better than I thought because I wasn’t expecting there to be such a high level of available support.

Husnain - It’s better than I thought it would be. I thought it would be more college based without learning as much in the business world, at first but I’m doing the same things as other people that have been in the business for a long time. I’m learning new things every day and it’s a great experience.

Laura - I love it. I have no regrets. I’m doing bits in PR, events, social, analytical reporting, communications and client profiling. I’m learning such a wide array of skills and I’m very fortunate that Apadmi wants me to try all aspects of the business and see where I want to further develop in the future.

Do you feel prepared to take your whatever your next steps will be after your apprenticeship ends?

Hannah - I can tell that by the time the programme is over I’ll feel ready. It’s all about building up your skills and your confidence so when the apprenticeship is complete, you won’t need that guidance anymore.

Husnain - Yes definitely, I feel like I understand what it’s like to work a 9-5 job and understand how to enjoy it, be interested and keep learning.

Laura - 100%. I don’t know where I’ll be in two years’ time but right now, every day I’m learning new skills and developing my interest in the industry.

These skills are helping me grow as an all-rounder, attending events and building my network is helping too. I’m really excited for wherever my career takes me next after having had a great view of the sector.

Finally, what has been your favourite part of being involved in an apprenticeship programme?

Hannah - The knowledge that I’ll be learning new things for the rest of my career and meeting other people that are as passionate about tech as I am.

Husnain - I’m meeting new people every day, working with different people in different companies and earning while I’m learning. Doing different courses in work and getting a qualification makes it all feel worthwhile.

Laura - Developing a really inquisitive interest in tech, a subject that I never thought interested me. Mobile app development is a far more exciting place than I could have imagined.

Want to find out more about apprenticeship?

If you would to find out more about Manchester Digital’s Level Four Software Developer Apprenticeship, you can find out here.

Alternatively, follow this link to see other apprentice providers within the region.

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