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Powering your iPad costs $1.36 per year

"At less than a penny per charge these findings bring new meaning to the adage, 'A penny for your thoughts'," said the EPRI's veep for power delivery and utilization Mark McGranaghan when announcing the results.

EPRI also notes that 42-inch plasma-screen TVs suck up 358kWh during the same period – that's 358, not 357 or 359, mind you – and "laptop PCs" consume 72.3kWh annually, costing $8.31.

According to the report, an iPhone 3G's yearly 2.2kWh power will cost you a quarter per year. The EPRI doesn't provide figures for an iPhone 4 or 4S, however. Perhaps those models were sold out at the West Town Mall Apple retail store in Knoxville, Tennessee, the town that's home to the EPRI's power utilization laboratory, where the tests were conducted.

Source: The Register

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