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Skills Audit 2017

The skills gap is still the biggest issue affecting the growth and development of digital and technology businesses, both in the North West and across the UK. Talent and Skills is one of Manchester Digital's five areas of focus and still the most widely discussed agenda point at many of our events.  

Participation in our audit helps us to help you; knowing what issues your business and the wider industry are facing means we can put together initiatives to support you better and tailor our work around the biggest priorities. 

The audit is open to all North West businesses that are either entirely digital/tech based or have a substantial digital/tech function/skills need within their organisation.

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 20th January at 5pm. There is also the opportunity to win a £50 Amazon voucher if you include your email address (please note that the results of the survey are anonymised). 

The results of the audit will be announced at our 2017 Skills Festival conference, which is FREE to attend. A report of the findings will also be released in February 2017. 

You can fill in the survey here.

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