If you're thinking of a career in digital and tech, take a bit of time to find out about our GMCA-backed Switch to Digital campaign.
Switch to Digital is an initiative that aims to educate young people about the exciting and well-paid careers that exist for everybody in the digital and technology industry, regardless of the subjects they studied at school, college or university.
For anyone interested in the industry, before watching the videos featuring members of Greater Manchester's tech and digital sector that have made the #SwitchToDigital, take a few minutes to read this short guide that outlines a few of the many job roles available in digital and technology that can be obtained regardless of the education pathways and subject choices you may make.
Want to know more?
If you're a business that would like to help encourage more young people into the industry, or a school looking for resources, be sure to get involved with our #DigitalFutures campaign. A GMCA-backed programme that uses industry support to encourage Greater Manchester’s young people to pursue careers within the digital sector.