Over the last few years Manchester Digital has worked hard to build diversity into the talent pipeline; engaging with students from a broad range of backgrounds to encourage them to take up careers in digital and tech.
Recent events have shown us that we need to do a lot more and to play an active role in building a genuinely diverse and inclusive technology industry.
This is particularly true in senior positions where leadership is still overwhelmingly white and male.
Our diverse speaker roster is one of a range of initiatives that we are launching over the next 3 - 6 months in an effort to ensure that black people, ethnic minorities and those with diverse backgrounds from the region’s tech industry are given a prominent platform to share their expertise and profile their businesses.
If you want to put yourself forward to speak, please use the form below. We want to gather this information so that we, and other event organisers can easily search for speakers and subject experts. When you're filling in the form please provide as much information as possible about your area(s) of expertise but please do bear in mind that this list will be made available to the public so don't share any information that you would deem private.
You do not have to have speaking experience to include yourself here and we encourage people from all underrepresented backgrounds to get involved.
We also want to provide an opportunity to those speakers to showcase and profile themselves to a wider audience and connect with others who have similar expertise and interests.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email: info@manchesterdigital.com