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The Future is in Salford

A relative newcomer to the digital scene has now taken up residence at new premises on Chapel Street, Salford joining the throng of creative types that burgeoning Manchester has to offer. Future State of Digital was founded in 2011 when - having left his previous agency after 7 years - Adam Pritchard decided to set up his own business to look after his clients a lot more closely. Despairing of the business model of quantity over quality, the plan to take on fewer digital clients and partner with them every step of the way. 

"It's not just about providing SEO services or email marketing designs, it's about being there when they need to improve their eCommerce stock control, deal with fraudulent transactions or decide on next year's stock range." Emphasising the point he continued, "We don't want to create a website and say "There you go, good luck" because creating a web business should be more of a partnership than that".

The company's progressive approach with its clients has brought plenty of success stories and allowed Future State of Digital to progress themselves into their new surroundings and the next stage of their dream. "Once we've settled in and painted the walls a ridiculous colour, we'll concentrate on making sure our clients progress for a second year, and look to take on more staff to support that."

With a new website to launch imminently as well, the future certainly is bright. The Future's in Salford.

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