Mairi McHaffie, Founder and Managing Director, SceneChange Creative Consultants and Subject Matter Learning Associate, KPMG
Diversity and inclusion has become a major focus for many employers – but this positive work will prove insufficient if organisations are unable to recognise and mitigate the effects of unconscious bias in the workplace.
To investigate this important issue further, we hosted an expert-led webinar to discuss what unconscious bias is, how it affects workforces, the measures employers can take to combat it, and much more. This webinar covered a range of thought-provoking issues and discussions, including:
• Subconscious information processing: how and why we do it
• The effects of sub-conscious bias on workplace decision-making and interactions
• Mitigating the negative effects of biased-based judgements
• How to become consciously inclusive
Register today for instant access to this on-demand webinar and get one step closer to a more inclusive workplace.