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Co-op: ‘We’re part of the north’s heritage – and proud of it’

The chief executive of the Co-operative Group has spoken of his support for the Northern Powerhouse vision.

Richard Pennycook, who has been hailed as many as the man who saved the Manchester mutual from near collapse three years ago, said as a heritage business and one of Manchester’s largest employers, the group was keen to champion the north.

Speaking to Greater Manchester Business week about the Co-op’s revival and future prospects, he said: “We’re very keen to support the Northern Powerhouse, and to work with Sir Howard Bernstein, to really champion the north as we’re an institution that has no heritage in London.

“The Co-op is a Rochdale and Manchester heritage, and NOMA, the 20-acre development, is part of that.

“We see ourselves as being at the heart of rebalancing the economy. We’re a big employer so we can help with that and we’re very proud of those historical associations.”

He added: “NOMA is going to be a key vibrant place in the city, and we’re excited about it.

“We’re a huge employer and we also have big ambitions digitally as well.

“We have a new digital team and we think Manchester in particular is a leader in digital skills and technology.”

Going forward, Mr Pennycook said there was huge potential in its own business as well as new ones.

“We have to be sensible as we can’t do everything.

“There’s lot of potential in our own businesses, but beyond that if we look at the provision of childcare or elderly care in the UK, it’s not good, there must be something we can do there.

“The energy markets rip people off, so there must be something we can do there. But we will have to go through a process to see what is the priority for us and what is right for our members.”

The Co-op is nearly half way through a three-year rebuild plan, which has also included over £1bn of investment in its current businesses.

Mr Pennycook said: “We can see that things are going well, a lot of this is about getting ourselves fit again.”


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