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HackManchester Junior - Half Term Youth Hacks

The 15th Feb saw Manchester’s first two day Youth Hack. After the success of HackManchester Junior in October 2015, the demand for another event was so great that HackManchester and Hive decided to join forces again and run a smaller event during the half term. With over 40 attendees aged 13-18 and support from Autotrader, BJSS, Web Applications UK, Manchester Social Entrepreneurs, Thales UK, FARM, Weaveware and Briztech the event was a huge success.

For those of you at the Skills Fest, you may have heard some great stories about our hack days from panelists Steven Flowers and the lovely youngsters from Loreto College. The experiences of our attendees is of accelerated learning unparalleled to that in the classroom. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to meet, support and work with the talent of tomorrow.

Hive and HackManchester are devising a program of events for the school holidays in throughout 2016 and 2017. These events are a great way for youngsters to get engaged in digital making and they also acquire digital skills at high speed. Each event will be for 50 13-18yr olds held over two days.

The events are only possible due to sponsorship and support from local businesses and we are looking to the Manchester Digital community to help us deliver these fantastic informal education opportunities. Please see our sponsor pack for more details.

Live stream from February 2016 - Interviews with the teams and the awards show.

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