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RedEye achieves Best Companies Two Star Accreditation

Marketing Technology business RedEye, has just achieved a Two Star ‘Outstanding’ rating in The Times ‘Best Companies to Work for’ survey. This important accreditation comes after 12 months of significant effort put in by RedEye to further improve their working environment and attract new talent.

The Best Companies survey measures employee satisfaction in relation to various workplace factors (e.g. Leadership, Management, Career Development), to identify what’s good and what can be improved. It’s used by hundreds of businesses, large and small across the UK, covering some 1.4 million employees.

Head of HR Scott Young said: “Over the past two years we’ve nearly doubled our number of employees to 160. We’ve made a deliberate effort to retain what makes us unique and special at the same time as growing. In the past year we’ve halved employee turnover, launched industry-leading benefits and invested heavily in career development”.

RedEye, who work with some of the biggest brands in the UK, have a unique multi-channel marketing personalisation platform which helps their clients deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right customer on the right channel. To be able to deliver such a crucial service to their clients, attracting top talent in a competitive market is imperative for the business.

“Our employees have defined a bold set of values that really reflect what we’re like. For example, we cut out the crap, meaning we are straightforward and open with both our employees and our clients”. Scott continued, “Every month our CEO answers any questions employees have in a face-to-face business update, we have a funded social committee who arrange fun activities throughout the year and employees can nominate each other for outstanding achievements. One of the team’s biggest achievements in 2015 was winning Hack Manchester”.

Scott finished: “Our Best Companies result is brilliant considering it’s the first time we’ve entered. But it’s just the start. We’re using all the employee feedback from specially set up forums to put a clear action plan in place over the next year, ultimately to make RedEye an even better place to work”.

Click here to view RedEye’s congratulatory video from Best Companies.

What are you waiting for? Come and work for an ‘Outstanding’ company, take a look at our vacancies here.

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