Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?
Fahad Darwish is a Test Engineer at elite product and technology specialists Nimble Approach.
We spoke to him to find out more about this role, his experience at Nimble Approach and what an average day looks like.
Name: Fahad Darwish
Company: Nimble Approach
Job Title: Test Engineer
Time in role: Nearly 6 months
How did you get into your current role?
A friend who was previously employed by Nimble had referred me to the role. He expressed many positive points about the working environment and opportunities that Nimble has to offer. This piqued my interest and I decided to look more into what the role had to offer.
What do you enjoy most about working at Nimble?
It is always daunting to be the new guy. I was a little apprehensive due to the responsibilities it entailed, given my skill set at the time. However, I was eager to learn new technology and systems which was made easier by the friendly atmosphere and the wealth of support available from all my colleagues no matter the hour. With a fun few days at induction, my mind was put at ease. It is convenient to be able to work from home, but I welcome the ability to work between the three offices located in Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds. It has allowed for me to feel part of a team, meet new people and expand socially outside of the working environment. The company also offers great training opportunities with regular workshops which has allowed for personal growth.
What does a typical day look like for you?
First things first, wake up and have my morning coffee. I then set up at my desk from home with equipment such as monitors and a laptop provided by the company. Our morning stand-up call follows, which allows us to report our progress which in turn helps us all to plan our day. Often, we go separately or within smaller calls to work on the tasks for that day. Whilst working from home can be lonely, it is made easier with the constant communication within the Nimble platform. Being new I often had to use this platform to gain assistance from my colleagues who are always happy to help. Often, we arrange to meet at least one day per week within the office. We’re able to motivate each other in this working environment, grab lunch due to the convenient Manchester city centre location and often unwind after the working day together. I enjoy this social aspect between my colleagues, and it has allowed me to feel normal again after the changes covid bought for many.
What is it like starting a new job remotely/during the pandemic? Or working remotely during the pandemic?
I was initially a bit uncertain and hesitant due to the isolation of working from home and not having that strong team bond as you would in an office environment. However, I was later reassured to know that the company had enough support for us to be able to work remotely and we continue to arrange in person work days at the office or workshops between the three locations.
What excites you the most about the work?
Nimble have a vast number of clients who all use different technologies and languages to create their websites, It's exciting for me to know that after working on this project I could work on another which utilises completely different skills and I'll be able to learn new skills/languages/approaches, and potentially incorporate knowledge from past projects to benefit the team on a niche technology which I see a lot of potential in to help society. I can see opportunities for growth and development within the company, and having the ability to have a positive mark.
Is there any work you are particularly proud of?
I am currently working on a project with the company for an external client. With the support of the company and my consistent hard work, I will soon become the main test engineer on this project proving the level of progression you can achieve in a short amount of time.
In addition, I completed an MPhil at The University of Salford. The aim was to investigate and improve Data Mining Methods and Algorithms, to create a framework in which diabetics can record all their vital health details, in one location, this can be accessed and monitored by the patients’ doctors, in order to prevent the serious and expensive complications that currently threaten to bankrupt the NHS but more importantly the patients’ life. The framework requirements are determined after extensive research into the needs of diabetic patients, medical personnel, and the national health care system. Those needs are then translated into a functional smart device that delivers benefits to all users. Simultaneously the framework can predict treatment plans to the healthcare team by using the Artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms from historical data collected by the framework device. There were a few papers that were published internationally, alongside good feedback received from diabetics and the medical team around the world.
Have you learned anything new since you started?
I have improved upon my programming and testing skills, I have recently started working on a new testing tools called Cypress which I believe will be the Next-generation front end testing tool.
Thank you Fahad!
To find out more about Nimble Approach, click here.
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