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Why choose edge data centers?

What is an edge data center?

Edge data centers are compact facilities located close to the end user. They are designed to support applications and services by reducing latency and IP transit costs. In doing so, this improves the end user experience by processing data and services as close to them as possible.

The demand for edge data center services has increased with the rising demand for more data at higher speeds. Locating at the edge is essential for businesses who want to keep pace with the ongoing rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G technologies, big data and cloud applications.

nLighten provides the most comprehensive edge infrastructure network throughout Europe, with hubs focused within Europe’s core data center markets.

The key characteristics of edge data centers

These characteristics enable edge data centers to support applications and services that require real-time data processing and low-latency performance.


Placed near the areas they serve, whether in urban or suburban areas, significantly reduces latency and enhances the performance of applications that require real-time processing.

Distributed network

Edge data centers form part of a distributed network of data centers. This decentralised approach helps balance loads, enhances redundancy, and improves overall system resilience.

Modular and scalable

A modular approach enables organisations to deploy additional capacity as needed, quickly and efficiently.

What are the benefits of edge?

Colocating IT infrastructure and services within edge data centers offers a multitude of advantages that contribute to a more robust ROI for organisations.


Edge computing delivers a stronger end UX thanks to reduced latency – a key differentiator for customers when choosing and remaining with a service or platform


Distributing traffic between edge data centers provides added security whilst ensuring no individual location exceeds its maximum capacity or becomes a single point of failure


Edge data centers provide a scalable infrastructure that can quickly adapt to changing demands and fluctuations in user traffic, without compromising performance


Organisations achieve both CAPEX and OPEX reductions with reduced real-estate, lower bandwidth costs, reduced energy consumption, optimised infrastructure and more efficient use of shared resources


Sensitive data can be held within specific geographic regions, addressing data privacy concerns, jurisdictional requirements and regulatory compliance


By offloading data processing tasks and content delivery to local servers, this reduces the need for data transfer across long distances, therefore lowering bandwidth costs for both providers and users


Security measures, such as firewalls and encryption, can be implemented locally helping to reduce the risk of cyber attacks


Free up internal resource to focus on core business activities by accessing edge provider on-site engineers and support

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