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Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals

As part of the Women in Tech Week, hosted by WeAreTechWomen, our second event in the Women in Cyber series took place at the Engineering Innovation Centre, UCLan, Preston. We were thrilled to partner with the WiCyS Student Chapter at UCLan for this event, and we are incredibly grateful to the university for their generosity in providing both the venue and catering.

Opening Keynote: Professor Janice Allan, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Leadership) at UCLan

The event was officially opened with an inspiring keynote speech from Professor Janice Allan. Professor Allan emphasised, “We are at the forefront of a digital revolution. What we need is an army of change makers that will teach girls to approach technology with a sense of curiosity, not fear.”

Introductions to NWCSC and the WiCyS Student Chapter at UCLan

The event continued with introductions to the North West Cyber Security Cluster and the UCLan Women in Cyber Security Student Chapter. Amber Jacques, along with students Hannah Crosbie and Paula Melo, shared their experiences of running one of only seven WiCyS Student Chapters in the UK, inspiring others to join the movement.

Michelle Jackson, Managing Director at Citation Cyber

Michelle Jackson from Citation Cyber delivered a powerful lightning talk, echoing themes from our Liverpool event: “It’s not just a gender issue; it’s a security issue.” Her message remained clear: “This is still an incredibly exciting time to be in tech.”

Panel Discussion: Getting into Cyber and Tech

The highlight of the day was a panel discussion featuring Helen Zachariassen (Inzpire Limited), Siobhan Forster (Alvarez and Marsal), and Tamima Mulla-Shah (IN4 Group), who shared their personal journeys into the cyber and tech sectors. They stressed the importance of mentorship, breaking stereotypes in cyber, and the value of seizing every opportunity. The message was clear: Believe in yourself and grab every opportunity.

The session concluded with a Q&A and more networking, allowing participants to connect, share experiences, and learn from one another.

We were delighted to see a diverse group of students, graduates, and professionals from across the cyber and tech fields in attendance. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with attendees commenting:

  • “Thank you for being so engaging and caring passionately about the subjects discussed and making a change for women in tech.”
  • “There never comes a time where you stop learning and growing. Personal growth comes from far out of your comfort zone!”
  • “An excellent event organised by the North West Cyber Security Cluster! It was not only inspiring but super informative.”

A heartfelt thank you to Amber Jacques for her support in organising and running the event, to all the speakers for their incredible insights, to UCLan for providing the space, and to every attendee for making the afternoon so special. Together, we are making a difference for women in tech!

Upcoming Events

We’re excited to announce that we have two more events planned in this series, one in Cheshire and another in Manchester early next year.

As we look ahead, we’re excited to continue this series, providing more opportunities for women to connect, learn, and grow in the cyber and tech industries.

If you have ideas or suggestions for our upcoming ‘Women in Cyber’ events, or if you are interested in speaking or sponsoring, please get in touch with us. Your contributions can help make a significant impact on the future of women in cyber security.

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