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In the spotlight with Omnisis

Each week we interview one of our members to find out a bit more about them and their work in the Greater Manchester digital sphere. This week we're speaking with market research specialists, Omnisis.

What does your organisation do?

Omnisis are an operations support market research company based in the heart of Manchester’s Ancoats. We offer surveys and data analysis to other market research companies who don’t have an operations team in-house. 

We’re also currently working on a new project that will position us at the forefront of reliable, cost-effective, impartial opinion polls and research. We're hoping to change the way that journalists and PR, marketing and advertising professionals gather opinion data, results and headlines.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

Clearing up the mess we’ve made. Over the last fifteen years, technology has transformed the way people connect and interact, and the results have not always been pretty. 

Technologists need to revisit the ideals we had thirty years ago and make them a reality. There are special questions for market research here, as we try to move beyond sending out surveys to everything that moves to really helping businesses and consumers build the relationships and products they want. 

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Our speed, in essence, is our biggest achievement. Due to our fixed cost pricing model and senior team, we’re able to turnaround a project in as little as a couple of hours for our clients which sets us apart from a lot of our competitors.

We have a real “can do” attitude within the team and if a client comes to us wanting a bespoke survey functionality that we don’t currently do, our attitude is “Don’t worry, we can build it.”

This is largely down to us using our own software called Warp for surveys - because it’s ours and we built it from scratch, we can be incredibly flexible and design surveys with bespoke functionalities.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

Recruitment. We’ve been really lucky in being able to assemble a very talented team, both for software development and our line of business operations. 

However, when we come to recruit developers we are competing with big names like Amazon, and the London-centric nature of market research makes it hard to find researchers and consultants here in the North.  

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

As a city, Manchester is probably second only to London when it comes to the kinds of growth and development being seen universally across the tech sector. 

We’ve always done things differently here and as the sector grows we can only expect to see innovations both in technology and - helped by Manchester Digital - ways of doing business and working together. 

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