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Living standards highest for Northwest professionals

Living standards highest for Northwest professionals

New research today highlights the North / South divide in living costs and standards.

Digital marketing recruitment specialists The Candidate undertook the research to highlight how desirable the Northwest is, to live and work, for marketers who are currently based in London.

The research showed that even though salaries are higher down south, with the cost of living significantly more expensive, a northern professional is left with more disposable income to save and invest and live a higher quality of life.

Despite this, there is a huge skills shortage of marketing professionals with digital expertise in the Northwest, with many employers struggling to fill their roles.

Last year the firm undertook research to highlight the shortage.

The research was commissioned as part of a wider ‘Go North’ campaign, aiming to raise the profile of the region.

The findings revealed the average salary for a digital marketing professional living in Manchester was around £25,001, while in London pay was only marginally higher at £29, 583. 

Whereas, the living costs in both cities displayed a sizeable difference. The data represented a 33.54% higher cost of living in London than in Manchester. This was based on consumer prices, including rent, food, shopping and socialising.

Accommodation prices were the most significantly different with the average rental costs in London over 109.68% higher than in Manchester. An average one bedroom flat in Manchester was £650.00 pcm, whereas, in London it was £1,400 pcm. This demonstrates that middle management in London would be spending a significantly higher portion on rental costs.

“The research we found is enlightening,” says Candidate’s Managing Partner Colin Telford: “We thought there would be a bigger difference in salaries, and a lesser difference with the cost of living. The variation in rental costs was the biggest find, and it was a surprise to find out just how expensive living in London can be. We firmly believe that in the Northwest you can enjoy an improved cost of living and invest in property here, with just a marginal difference to your salary.

“There are plenty of jobs available in the digital marketing and media sector in the Northwest. The digital scene is thriving and with MediaCityUK near Manchester, it is definitely the best place for digital outside London.”

To read more about The Candidate’s findings and to get involved in their social media campaign visit their website at

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