Around 4 out of 10 businesses have told us that ‘recruiting high-quality team members’ is a bigger priority than gaining more business. These companies are busy enough as it is - they just struggle to find the right team to help them progress further.
This is particularly evident in the insurance sector, which we consider to be one of our specialist areas. By optimising your site for search engines, you can easily get yourself in front of the right people who can take your business to the next level. In this piece, we have rounded up our top 3 tips for using digital marketing to recruit talent in the insurance sector.
1. Focus on SEO first
When it comes to hiring online, search engine optimisation should be your first priority. When setting up a page on your site dedicated to a job post (your ‘landing page’), make sure you include keywords such as ‘hiring’ as well as the location - e.g. ‘Hiring: Insurance Claims Handler in Bolton’. This can help job seekers in your area find your page.
If you have any developers on your team, ask them to use Job Schema markup on the page. This means that your job could potentially appear in the ‘jobs’ featured snippet when people search, as in the image below:
It’s also important to optimise your site to make it very easy for people to find jobs, whether that’s by creating an extra ‘jobs’ tab on the menu or allowing people to use a search bar. Everyone is accustomed to easy-to-use sites now, especially as online shopping has boomed as a result of the pandemic, and your site should follow suit. If a job listing is six clicks deep, no one is going to see it. You should also have a ‘Contact Us’ page very visibly on your site, so that if anyone has questions about the role before applying, they can get in touch for clarification.
2. Define your brand image and get it everywhere
Let’s be honest, the insurance sector isn’t viewed as the most glamorous of industries and can have a reputation for being quite behind the times, but through working with insurance providers and brokers we know this isn’t true for all of them. We have seen that they can be very forward-thinking, which is a very attractive asset, especially if you are looking for technically-minded staff such as developers.
You want people coming to YOU for jobs because they have heard good things about the business. One of the best answers we heard to ‘Why do you want to work for us?’ was that the candidate said our team seemed more like a family rather than just colleagues. This is because we believe we have effectively used social media (more on this in a moment) and our site to define our brand image and get it everywhere!
Think about how you can show your ‘brand’ on your site. Why should people work for you instead of your competitors? What can you offer? Tell your story on your ‘About Us’ page and make it fun. You could create an up-to-date ‘Meet the Team’ page with photos of your staff, or you could create fun cartoons like our clients, Fleetcover, have done. Here you can provide a bit of information about each team member - a fun fact can work well and show your team’s personality.
3. Make use of social media
As mentioned above, social media is a great way to get your brand out there. We don’t know of many insurance businesses that are very prolific on social media, so this is one way you can make yourself stand out. If you have a graphic designer, ask if they can create some fun social media posts that fit your branding, or have a go yourself using Canva or Photoshop. You can use these posts to promote your job roles as well as new blog posts.
One really effective way to show what it’s like to work at your business is to ask your staff to be active on social media if they feel comfortable doing so. Most likely, they will already have a LinkedIn account where they can share posts from the main account and add their own commentary, or share something from their own account, e.g. a card and gift you got them for their employee anniversary. This can give a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the culture of your business.
When you post about job roles, ask your employees to share with their own networks. Our newest team member came through one of our team sharing the ‘hiring’ post on her Instagram story! We have also had a fair amount of success using the Facebook ‘jobs’ feature. Perhaps you could look at paid social media posts to boost the role and get it in front of people beyond your followers and employee’s networks.
So, to recap - make sure you have a killer landing page, get your brand across wherever possible, and then share the hell out of the job role on social media! By doing this, you are sure to attract more high-quality candidates than you may be seeing at the minute.
If you’re an insurance business looking for more advice about how to attract new talent online, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Tao Digital Marketing - we love a good chat!