Each week we interview one of our members to find out a bit more about them and their work in the Greater Manchester digital sphere. This week we're speaking with Truth Creative, the brand storytelling agency that combine creativity with knowhow to deliver results.
What does your organisation do?
We are a strategic brand-led agency that offers clients an entirely honest consultative approach. Whether that’s brand advice, strategic thinking or marketing consultancy, our business name is very much what we do - we tell the truth. We have a HUGE passion for brands and the means by which they engage with consumers, which is integral to our strategic delivery.
What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?
The tech industry is moving at a very fast pace with new, productivity-boosting digital products constantly coming to the market. As a result, driving positive change within the workplace through digital could create divides if long standing employees are resistant to change. As a younger generation steps into new business roles, their demand for new technology may be greater than that of other workers, so finding a way to keep your business adapting to change without creating a team divide could be a big challenge.
What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?
There have been many over the last 13 years, but we’d have to say the successful branding and launch of UA92. Gary Neville and the Class of ‘92’s initiative to create a game-changer university academy is definitely a highlight. It’s been incredible to watch the growth of the brand from inception to launch and across multiple touch-points including both offline and online - it’s amazing to see the campus and brand really brought to life.
What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?
Our industry is still in the realms of a legacy and culture where free pitching is acceptable. This has always been a challenge, but more so now than ever. Agencies are stuck in a difficult place - giving free work away which could easily be taken by the client and rolled out, and ultimately pitching blind; knowing that there will always be another party who will undercut you on price and that's often appealing from a client perspective. Agencies with tenure, confidence and a healthy workload are more likely to stipulate pitch criteria, but arguably it's still the only industry where you get to try anything between 3 and 10 products and only having to pay for one of them. What's even more pertinent is in a digital landscape there's an assumption that a website can be scoped accurately without any investment in the user or the strategy.
What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?
We think the digital future for Manchester is an extremely exciting one. More and more digital businesses are establishing themselves or relocating here, and as the second largest digital and creative city in the UK, this will only serve to strengthen that reputation. Manchester has so much to offer the digital sector, with constant networking events, new co-working spaces popping up and a lot of digital heads in the talent pool, so it will only continue to grow into a more prosperous digital city.
Tell us something that we might not know about your company?
Truth is very well-known for its expert brand and design offering, but we actually build websites, run paid social campaigns and do a lot of video and motion design in house - to name but a few! We’re a multi-faceted company with a broad depth of experience across the team which pays dividends to our clients in the long run.
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