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Brands say hello to sophisticated experimentation with Optimizely migration offer

52% of marketers that do not conduct A/B tests on their companies website give the reason for not having enough time to do so. This goes hand in hand with 43% not having the correct tools. When setting up experimentations on your organisation's site, it is best to select a technology that requires minimal input from developers. Allowing the digital team to work freely.

Working with the wrong software can cause unnecessary restrictions such as complicated interfaces, resource restrictions across multiple teams, hidden costs and more. Finding the right tool that is scalable, accessible and agile lets your business’ digital marketing team increase CRO and improve their current results.

Google Optimize sunsets at the end of September, so acting fast can save time, money and future need for reinvestment due to selecting the wrong provider. Learn more about why brands and Google are recommending Optimizely for sophisticated experimentation tools following the retirement of Optimize.

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